The Meiji Period
1868-1912 |
The charter oath....Young
samurai successfully lead new government.... Bicycles,
first trains, telegraph....first people's army....
Adoption of a Constitution.. ..Beginning of great
industrial cartels, zaibatsu..
Successful completion of war with China followed by
victory over Russia....
Expansion in literature, criticism and poetry....
Japan emerges as world power. |
Text by Bradley
(from Japan A History in
Art) |
Add to my guestbook!
Name: | stone - |
E-mail: | you_stone@yahoo.com.cn |
Location: | fuqing, China |
Comments: |
it is my lucky to search out so good website. thank you for you again,i will come back .^_^ |

Name: | Melissa LaCcroix - |
E-mail: | Angel_Eyez_008@yahoo.com |
Location: | METHUEN, MA USA |
Comments: |
Really enjoyed the wedsite!!! |

Name: | Kevin Morrow - |
E-mail: | kevin_j_morrow@yahoo.com |
My URL: | |
Location: | Burke, VA USA |
Comments: |
Hey, like your site. One thing I have'nt been able to discern in my readings on Meiji Japan is what were the motivations behind this great leap forward, the modernization of Japan after two centuries of isolation? And what were the motivations behind Japan's aggressive moves against China and Russia in 1894 and 1905 in Korea? That aspect seems to be missing in the material I've read so far. |

Name: | Ralph Wiggum - |
E-mail: | Ralphwiggum@hotmail.com |
Location: | springfield, illinois USA |
Comments: |
i wanna be a fireman! Daddy, im so scared, i can't even wet my pants! |

Name: | Tyffany - |
E-mail: | SassyGyal94@aol.com |
Location: | Queens, NY USA |
Comments: |
Doing a global hw assignment on the meiji restoration...lookin' 4 info...wish me luck...lol |

Name: | RoseThorn (Mel) - |
E-mail: | none@none.com |
My URL: | http://www.wandering-dreams.net/meiji_japan |
Comments: |
Hello again!
I now have my own site on Meiji Japan! It's still under heavy construction, but if anyone needs to know anything, please come visit!
Your site ahs been a great inspiration to me! Please contact from my site if you wish to be affilites. :)
Thanks and good day to all,
~RT |

Name: | Sharmaine - |
E-mail: | sgoh90@yahoo.com |
Location: | Wallkill, New York USA |
Comments: |
I'm doing a project and I need some important facts about this particular era. Please email me if you have good info about it.
Thanks |

Name: | mugu - |
E-mail: | mugu@maganet.com |
Location: | south, sa SOUTH AFRICA |
Comments: |

Name: | RoseThorn - |
E-mail: | N/A@none.com |
My URL: | http://www.summer-skies.net/nostalgia |
Comments: |
Wonderful website! I just love the Meiji Era. IMHO, it was the most interesting time in all of history. I'm putting this site on my favorites! Thanks! |

Name: | ford taurus - |
E-mail: | me@me.com |
My URL: | http://ford-taurus.300free.com |
Comments: |
Hello, a really interesting experience to visit your website. For sure i will come back soon. greets to all! |
Name: | midas g. tan - |
E-mail: | ptouchm@yahoo.com |
Location: | Cagayan de Oro City, philippines |
Comments: |
helpful info...interesting... |

Name: | Sophie - |
E-mail: | hophie@hotmail.com |
Location: | Sydney, NSW Australia |
Comments: |
Fabulous website!!! It helped me so much with my modern history final assessment, and seemed to have been made just for that purpose. Congratulations!!! |

Name: | NaChita - |
E-mail: | natsumivana@hotmail.com |
Location: | Lima, Peru |
Comments: |
Hey!! how u doing? well... I just wanted to say that i'll loved to have new friends from evry part of the world! it doesn't matter if they are or japanesse or american!!! Plz!! write me my e-mail!! and my nick the moment is just NACHITA... thanks all! by by! =) |

Name: | Makoto Yoshida - |
E-mail: | skyline_830@yahoo.co.jp |
Location: | Japan, USA |
Comments: |
Mark no HP hakkennsitayo
please keep in touch with me ne. |

Name: | Albert Petchel - |
E-mail: | Albertisridt@aol.com |
Location: | Montvale, NJ USA |
Comments: |
This website is good and i like it alot and this web site is good |

Name: | Ben Garen - |
E-mail: | dbgaren@syberwerx.net |
My URL: | http://www.geocities.com/clinthale2002 |
Location: | Clarksville, TN USA |
Comments: |
This is a very attractive site with some good information about the Meiji era of Japanese history. Some more background about the authors and the intended purpose of the site would be helpful. Is this a high school or college web-design project? A public relations effort on the part of the Japanese Ministry of Tourism? Is the text plagiarized from the book "Japan A History in Art" or is the book itself written by Bradley Smith? (If not, you might want to get the author's permission to publish his/her text on your site. Otherwise you're liable for copyright infringement.) |

Name: | Amanda - |
E-mail: | no_one_home@hotmail.com |
Location: | Hartford, WI USA |
Comments: |
that Bob guy was mean b/c i'm american and i can speak english quite fine. i always thought Australian's were nice now i'm having second thoughs. oh the site is very nice but i couldn't find what i needed. bye

Name: | Breanne - |
E-mail: | AerisReborn02@aol.com |
My URL: | http://www.geocities.com/solaraquila_1/ |
Location: | Fort Worth, TX USA |
Comments: |
Thank you so much for creating this site. I appologize for my ...fellow citizens... and their lack of manners. It really helped me on my project, like so many others. So I think that I speak for most intelligent people when I thank you for compiling this and making it easily available for the rest of us. Thanks again! |

Name: | Sara Jones - |
E-mail: | fliehenschatten@yahoo.com |
Location: | Gresham, OR USA |
Comments: |
Hey, this site really helped me with a project I'm doing! Thanks a bunch for sharing the info and taking the time to make this site, that's really cool of you. |

Name: | country man - |
E-mail: | country_bumpkin@bumpkinville.com |
Location: | da country, da country da country |
Comments: |
i agree wid da cheese man....dis site is kool...and im only on da first page...lol...but seriously...hu made dis...ur welcome in da country any time |

Name: | Bobby Burns - |
E-mail: | bob@cheese.com |
Location: | Melbourne, Victoria Australia |
Comments: |
This site is quite informing, I gained a great deal of information on a school project and contrary to the beliefs of one particular septic tank, I do actually appreciate this site. Good work dude who created it. |

Name: | melinda young - |
E-mail: | meliayung@japan.com |
Location: | heber springs, AR USA |
Comments: |
i like the site. it gave me alot of info on my history report over Japan in the Meiji Era and i hope some of the people that made rude comments would learn to appreciate this site and its infomation. |

Name: | Bobby Burns - |
E-mail: | bob@cheese.com |
My URL: | |
Location: | Melbourne, Victoria Australia |
Comments: |
Nice site, and what is with all these stupid american people defacing the guestbook? They don't even speak English, I'm surprised they can even read the pages. |

Name: | james - |
E-mail: | bankz89@msn.com |
Location: | new york city, ny USA |
Comments: |
this site got much better i didn't look at everything it help me with my project |

Name: | james - |
E-mail: | bankz89@msn.com |
Location: | new york city, ny USA |
Comments: |
This site doesn't have crap don't come here |

Name: | Liam - |
E-mail: | thelittlefly@yahoo.com |
Location: | Perth, WA Australia |
Comments: |
This website i found to bevery informative and interesting.
Thanks heaps for all the help it has given me. |

Name: | Cigarettes - Cigarettehome - |
E-mail: | webmaster@cigarettehome.com |
My URL: | http://www.cigarettehome.com |
Location: | boston, ma USA |
Comments: |
Our collection covers all the premium brands including Marlboro,Camel,Winston,Salem,Dunhill,Rothmans,Monte Carlo,Benson & Hedges etc. |

Name: | kim - |
E-mail: | pharmaexpressrx@hotmail.com |
My URL: | http://www.pharmaexpressrx.com/ |
Comments: |
Buy Generic Viagra Online at discount prices. New Pharmacy product: Buy Generic Viagra Caverta Online !
PharmaExpressRX is a professionally managed generic drugs distributor, supplying generic drugs and formulations to customers around the world.Our goal is to provide each visitor to our website easy, top quality care at affordable prices. If you are looking for Generic Viagra or any other generic drugs online then you have come to the right place. We provide a wide collections of pharmacy items. From traditional Viagra, to Generic Viagra brands. |

Name: | uncatcheable - |
E-mail: | vladivostok_4ever@hotmail.com |
Location: | lausanne, Switzerland |
Comments: |
this is a pretty cool site thought as i said it cud b better.
need any help??????????
i particularly like the pics but wud appre8 if u get sum mmore, for ex of ito hirobumi, obuchu, the first steam engine b/w edo and osaka etc. |

Name: | jaz - |
E-mail: | jiazi62@hotmail.com |
Location: | singapore, USA |
Comments: |
may i know if kagoshima played a part in anything during the meiji period?? |

Name: | Gypsy-chan - |
E-mail: | kkfan007@yahoo.com |
My URL: | |
Comments: |
Hi! I just love your site! I write a lot of fanfiction for the anime Rurouni Kenshin. I found your site very helpful in the research I needed for the Meiji Period. I'll definitely refer my readers to this site. Thanks for taking the time to do the research and share it with others. |

Name: | netlifer - |
E-mail: | netlifer@mail.ru |
Location: | Samara, USA |
Comments: |
Gen, chto takoe, naher chatitsya? chto za voprosi? Braslet Ya vzyal |

Name: | Muhammad Ahmad Ali Amjad - |
E-mail: | maamjad@rediffmail.com |
Comments: |
THANKS & BYEeeeeeeeeeeeeee |

Name: | netlifer - |
E-mail: | netlifer@mail.ru |
Location: | Samara, Russian Federation |
Comments: |
Vika, zapisivaisya v gostevuhu. Pridu - pochitayu. Horosho tebe porabotat. Moget viceplyu 777. On seichas v Neftegorske. Good luck. |

Name: | g - |
E-mail: | g@g.com |
My URL: | http://g.com |
Location: | f, f USA |
Comments: |
Ti pridurok ebanii, sait - govno. Russian - 4 ever!
Hello, Mark, sranii nark. From Russia with love. |

Name: | Sanosuke Sagara - |
E-mail: | kenshin_himurax_2003@yahoo.com |
Location: | Olando, FL USA |
Comments: |
If it looks like a sword, cuts like sword, and kills like sword. IT MUST BE A SWORD

Name: | Ma-jin Vejiita - |
E-mail: | FELIPE18713@msn.com |
Location: | Flagstaff, AZ USA |
Comments: |
I like ancient and new Japan history. I think it's really interesting stuff, espacially the Meiji Times. Great Information too. |

Name: | hieutrungnguyen - |
E-mail: | nthongduc@dng.vnn.vn |
Location: | nha trang, Vietnam |
Comments: |
I interest of you |
Name: | Linda Mears - |
E-mail: | linda.mears@att.net |
Location: | Harwood, MD USA |
Comments: |
I was looking up the different periods in Japan and your site came up on a search. Very interesting. |

Name: | Stacey - |
E-mail: | draggyfly@hotmail.com |
Location: | Brisbane, Qld Australia |
Comments: |
I was wondering if you had any information on the role of women during this time and how the influence of the Western world made their lifestyle any better or worse |

Name: | TJ Brakefield - |
E-mail: | TJthaGreat@aol.com |
Location: | Hartselle, AL USA |
Comments: |
This is a real great site!! my only wish is that there was a link to download the Japanese font...... |

Name: | Ange Swanson - |
E-mail: | sweet_luvable_cutie@hotmail.com |
Location: | Otisville, MI USA |
Comments: |
Hey this is an awesome site! I was doing a report on the Meiji period and found all the info I was looking for. |

Name: | britany barling - |
E-mail: | darlingbarling@hotmail.com |
Location: | calgary, ab canada |
Comments: |
hey great page. i was doing a report and i have all my ifo thank you i finished my report in 10 minutes after i got this info bye

Name: | Ashley Bingham - |
E-mail: | ashley0104208705@yahoo.com |
Location: | Lubbock, TX USA |
Comments: |
I really liked the site it was very informative. |

Name: | megan abma - |
E-mail: | basketballgirl_8991 |
Location: | Edmonton, Alberta Canada |
Comments: |
nice!! it was what i was looking for

Name: | megan abma - |
E-mail: | basketballgirl_8991 |
Location: | Edmonton, Alberta Canada |
Comments: |
nice!! it was what i was looking for
thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |

Name: | megan abma - |
E-mail: | basketballgirl_8991 |
Location: | Edmonton, Alberta Canada |
Comments: |
nice!! it was what i was looking for

Name: |
june llena - |
E-mail: |
jjllena@yahoo.com |
Location: |
iloilo city, philippines |
Comments: |
nice website! i was exactly looking for the website
of taisho pharmaceuticals. have a nice day! |
Name: |
ziky benjosef "ONITAL"Ltd. - |
E-mail: |
benjosef@zahav.net.il |
Location: |
Comments: |
Dear Sirs, We are very much interest on your bathmats
. We all ready import from spain approx. the same articles
. Due the increse rate of the EURO for more than +17%
during the last year we are looking some other alternativs.
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with their fotos( in order that our salesmen examine
the israeli market) and qoute us your best prices C&F
ISRAEL of: 0101-A/B :0102-A/B :0103-B/C :0104-A/C :0105-A/C
:0106-A :0107/A to our adress: ONITAL Ltd. 110, HAR-ZION
Blv. 66534 TEL-AVIV ISRAEL Best regards Dr. Ing.Benjosef
ZIKY General Manager |
Name: |
Curtis Postle - |
E-mail: |
curtis@selfinc.net |
My URL: |
http://www.kpig.com |
Location: |
Hollister, CA USA |
Comments: |
You have come a long way since the 5th grade when
we used to make Meow Mix cartoons. Nice Job, Curtis |
Name: |
Sumiko Horiuchi C. - |
E-mail: |
sumiko82@hotmail.com |
Location: |
Lima, Lima Peru |
Comments: |
Hi my name is sumiko horiuchi, my grandfather was
japanese. In last july I travel to Japan.I Visit Tokyo,
Shizuoka and I don't remember what else. I have 13 years.
Sorry but I don't know a lot of english.I am in a school
of japanese people too. I learn japanese sukoshi! if
you want you can visit the web page of the school is
www.launion.edu.pe ok that's all 4 now take care bye!
:) bye! :) |
Name: |
Boyet Chantengco - |
E-mail: |
bytchcntrl@newyork.com |
Location: |
Manila, Phils |
Comments: |
A unique website. I noticed though that I am the nth
person wanting to visit the Taisho Pharma site and wonder
why it instead open to your site. Why so Mark? (Any
connection to Taisho Pharmaceuticals) Kind regards |
Name: |
Ronald Williams - |
E-mail: |
ronwilliams@stic.net |
My URL: |
http://15pounds.com |
Location: |
San Antonio, Tx USA |
Comments: |
I was looking for Taisho Pharmacueticals but found
you. I have fond memories of Japan as I lived there
from 1948 until 1951. I love your culture and the Japanese
people. |
Name: |
irawan - |
E-mail: |
hartatmo.im@pg.com |
My URL: |
http://pg.com |
Location: |
jakarta, Indonesia |
Comments: |
As I was initially looking for Taisho Pharmaceuticals
website and found out that I went thru a different one,
doesn't matter as human being anywhere may make a mistake.
Good luck, arigato. |
Name: |
hjg - |
E-mail: |
ghd@gfd.com |
Location: |
h, hth USA |
Comments: |
juygfuy |
Name: |
K.C. ^kenshin^^* - |
E-mail: |
anime_is_dbest@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
This is a great site you've made. I learned much out
of something. GOD BLESS! |
Name: |
Shilpa - |
E-mail: |
shilpany2@yahoo.com |
My URL: |
Location: |
New Rochelle, NY USA |
Comments: |
I was looking for some information on Meiji Restoration,
and this site really helped.. i just wanted to let u
know that..THANK YOU. |
Name: |
Janice - |
E-mail: |
janice_shelock1@hotmail.com |
Location: |
Singapore, 65 Singapore |
Comments: |
I'm impress. I don't really know much about the Meiji
Peroid and all i know is that it is very mess. I know
a lot about it now that i seen the web. Great job! |
Name: |
Skip - |
E-mail: |
skip@hotmail.com |
My URL: |
Location: |
Melbourne, Vic AUStralia |
Comments: |
HOw r ya Skip? good page, helped with me works, fair
dinkum, no worries, u boys r bloody rippers, A hard
earned thrist needs a good colb Beer, VIC! |
Name: |
Daniel Amartey Laryea - |
E-mail: |
dantate62@yahoo.com |
Location: |
Accra, Ghana |
Comments: |
I am conducting a comparative study on "Management
Practices in the United States of America, Europe, Japan
and Ghana" and I found some some information on the
Net. While reading this material, I found the word "Meiji"
which I did not understand so in trying to find some
more information on this I got to your site. Could you
assist in terms of what this word refers to especially
with respect to Management practices. Thanks |
Name: |
mary kusanagi - |
E-mail: |
tonihana10@clubAA.com |
Location: |
toronto, on canada |
Comments: |
hi im japanies cananadian.i like your web page!i am
10 years old so i might not know how to spell japanies.i
have a lot of japanies things at home like,origami,kaluta,and
lots more stuff!i even go to a japanies school.well
i better get going.i hope you can e-mail me back! |
Name: |
mary kusanagi - |
E-mail: |
tonihana10@clubAA.com |
Location: |
toronto, on canada |
Comments: |
hi im japanies cananadian.i like your web page!i am
10 years old so i might not know how to spell japanies.i
have a lot of japanies things at home like,origami,kaluta,and
lots more stuff!i even go to a japanies shool.well i
better get going.i hope you can e-mail me back! |
Name: |
Erica S - |
E-mail: |
Ruuuuuuf@aol.com |
Location: |
tokyo, -- Japan |
Comments: |
Hi, I just recently moved to Tokyo and as you can
probably imagine, I have a Japanese history course.
Anyway, they're focusing on the Meiji Era right now
and I was wondering if you have any information about
how the abolition of feudalism effected the Meiji Era,
or perhaps even contributed to it? If you could e-mail
me (Ruuuuuuf@aol.com) just to let me know if you have
any info that would would be great. Thanks a lot! |
Name: |
Magic - |
E-mail: |
magic@hotmail.com |
Location: |
Lyon, France |
Comments: |
Really nice site ! I typed Meiji on my browser to
see what result I could expect and you site appeared...
Really nice presentation of this period :) |
Name: |
W-A-N-T-E-D - January 14, 2002 |
E-mail: |
WANTED@hotmail.com |
Location: |
toronto, ontario canada |
Comments: |
This is a cool web site but it needs more work. HAHAAAAA |
Name: |
Kelsey - January 11, 2002 |
E-mail: |
cowieluver2cool4u@hotmail.com |
My URL: |
Location: |
Edmonton, AB Canada |
Comments: |
This is a fascinating site! As a student I found it,
an excellent resource. ;) Happy greetings!!!! -Kelsey |

Name: |
benny jazid - January 11, 2002 |
E-mail: |
pancaraken@yahoo.com |
Location: |
Banddng, ina indonesia |
Comments: |
I have 1 samurai long 98 cm and the short 0ne 53 cm
Could you give me suggestion where do I need to sale
it. Both are written kanji inscription |
Name: |
Lindsay=^.^= - January 08, 2002 |
E-mail: |
chibi_millie_thompson@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Whoo-hoo! Thankies so mucho! *^_^* I love Rurouni
Kenshin,and a site like this helps me understand the
background better! Whoo-hoo! Go Kenshin! ^___^ KenshinKenshin...oh
yeah, this isn't a Kenshin site...oro...;;;; Anways,
Thank you! ^^ |
Name: |
Djoko Purdianto - January 05, 2002 |
E-mail: |
djokanto@yahoo.com |
Location: |
Surabaya, SBY Indonesia |
Comments: |
Nihon wa sugoi kirei no country. Watashi wa 8 kangetsu
nihon ni imashita, itsumo wasurenai because nihonjin
wa nice people. Sorry watashi no nihongo amari yokunai.
Peace. |
Name: |
Scott - December 24, 2001 |
E-mail: |
UltimaX4@hotmail.com |
My URL: |
http://www.geocities.com/NightVisionX4/ |
Location: |
Amityville, NY USA |
Comments: |
o(o.o)o Grr, i have to do a global studies term paper,
over my Christmas Vacation!!!!!!!!! I decided to do
it on the Meiji Restoration, since Japan Rules!!!! And,
this is my favorite era, and Kenshin Rules!!! Hitokiri
Battousai!! Um, don't mind me, I'm just gonna use some
info from your site, but don't worry, I'm gonna give
you credit. I don't wanna be charge with plagerizing
thingy now do i?? ~_^ o(O.O)o bye bye!!! |
Name: |
Dave A. - December 19, 2001 |
E-mail: |
orion98da@aol.com |
My URL: |
http://bge.neu.edu |
Location: |
Boston, MA USA |
Comments: |
Actually was looking for Meiji microscopes..I like
the site though.. |
Name: |
david chambers - December 17, 2001 |
E-mail: |
dave41476@aol.com |
Location: |
bozeman, Mt USA |
Comments: |
Studying for Brett Walkers History of Japan final.
Hey Brett Im gonna use these essays on the final...ok |
Name: |
Davia Davidson - December 12, 2001 |
E-mail: |
dazidee@excite.com |
My URL: |
http://www.excite.com |
Location: |
Kingston, Jamaica |
Comments: |
I take a course in Japanese history at the University
of the WestIndies,Jamaica great site. |
Name: |
guninder - December 10, 2001 |
E-mail: |
guninderg@cybage.com |
My URL: |
Location: |
Pune, PB India |
Comments: |
I am learning the japanese history.I am interested
in the meiji period of industrialization. |
Name: |
Caroline - December 07, 2001 |
E-mail: |
zzzbookworm@yahoo.com |
Location: |
winter park, fl USA |
Comments: |
Cool Website!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Name: |
Jess - December 06, 2001 |
E-mail: |
hells_little_angel_ca@hotmail.com |
My URL: |
Location: |
okangonan, BC Canada |
Comments: |
This really help with my project thanks a lot. |
Name: |
john - December 06, 2001 |
E-mail: |
johnteknik@hotmail.com |
Location: |
jb, malaysia |
Comments: |
congrate to u man.......so perfect... keep move on
!!! |
Name: |
Gregory B. - December 05, 2001 |
E-mail: |
GreggBJr@aol.com |
Location: |
Baltimore, MD USA |
Comments: |
This is a neat website and because of it I was able
to finish an art project. Much Love. |
Name: |
Richard Concepcion - December 05, 2001 |
E-mail: |
www.chubbyboto@aol.com |
Location: |
Honolulu, HI USA |
Comments: |
I luv you!!! i dont know what i would of done if you
didn't make this page. |
Name: |
MANUEL APARCEDO - December 02, 2001 |
E-mail: |
Location: |
Comments: |
Name: |
donna - December 01, 2001 |
E-mail: |
jupiter249@juno.com |
Location: |
brooklyn, ny USA |
Comments: |
hi this site is great! umm... i want to ask do u have
any propaganda of the imperialism? send me a e-mail
if u can. thanks a bunch. |
Name: |
Jackie **ChibiAngel** - November 28, 2001 |
E-mail: |
psycho_nuts@quackquack.com |
Location: |
**I'm HIDING**, ID USA |
Comments: |
I love you, I love you, I love you!!!!! Yes, and I
love this site!! I do, I do, I do. Yay!!! ^-^ |
E - Mail Me: